SLEE Cromatec I Staining System
The Cromatec slide stainer represents maximum productivity and highest economy in routine histology and cytology, combining consistent staining quality with extraordinary ease of operation.
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The Cromatec slide stainer represents maximum productivity and highest economy in routine histology and cytology, combining consistent staining quality with extraordinary ease of operation.
The Cromatec slide stainer represents maximum productivity and highest economy in routine histology and cytology, combining consistent staining quality with extraordinary ease of operation.
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The tissue stainer MAS combines flexibility with speed and opens new dimensions in the field of automation.
The MSM Carousel Stainer is designed to meet the requirements for routine staining in histology and cytology laboratories, with 24 incubation stations containing up to 400mL.
The MTP Carousel Tissue Processor guarantees gentle and highly reliable specimen processing in connection with state of the art control features.
Optimzed with smart design and minimalist automation to reduce workload via an intuitive 3-step touch-screen operation.
The CellSolutions® F50 is a filtration based processor for non-gyn processing in a clinical setting to make cleaner, clearer, more uniform slides.
An American-made H&E stainer designed specifically for the needs of a Mohs surgery laboratory. Continuous load, multi-protocol, automated slide staining.
The HistoPro® 414 Linear Stainer is an ideal instrument for Mohs surgery laboratory applications. It is a competitively priced American made H&E stainer.
This brand new Thermo Scientific LINISTAT Slide Stainer is the only automated stainer available for Mohs labs. Nobody has better pricing.
Continuous loading of racks with a maximum of 30 slides allows staining of up to 1800 slides per hour.
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