New and Refurbished Slide Stainers

Slide stainers automatically apply colored dye, peroxidase, antibodies and conjugated enzymes to a tissue specimen following a specific protocol. The stain penetrates certain cell components to enhance the contrast between the different specimen parts. Stained slides emphasize the areas of interest in the tissue sample, making it easier for lab technicians to analyze under a microscope.

Without a slide stainer, a lab technician must apply the stain by hand. Manual staining takes longer and costs more, so using a slide stainer improves your throughput while maintaining precision. Autostainers are ideal for hematologic smearing procedures and histological, cytological and biological applications.

Find the Slide Stainer That’s right for Your H&E Staining

If your histology lab is looking for a new or refurbished autostainer, turn to Our inventory includes various options for manufacturers, features and specifications. You’ll get a reliable machine for the lowest market price regardless of which slide stainer you choose.